Essay on the Article: Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

911 Words4 Pages
Amy Chua’s golden recipe for wonderfull children By Kasper Prip The Chinese parenting model which is described in this article: Why Chinese mothers are superior by Amy Chua is claiming to produce not only happy, physically- and psychologically healthy children but also winner children in the game of life compared to children brought up by the western parenting model which will most likely become the social losers and the disoriented analfabetic depressed nervewrecks of the future. Amy Chua writes about parenting and that is a touchy subject. No parent wants parenting-advice from a third party unless they ask for it. But Amy Chua gives her view of a perfect upbringing in the article. It is the way she was brought up and the way she has brought up her children. Amy Chua’s opinions are quite controversial because they mess with the western idea of free will and the child's individuality. Amy Chua starts the article with a list of activities her daughters weren’t allowed to participate in and expectations they had to fulfill. Play dates, dramaclasses, and sleep-overs were on the never-to-do-list but straight a’s and mandatory violin and piano lesson were expected, and scorned upon if not achieved. Amy Chua controls every decision her daughters have to make and thus she is, from a western point of view, limiting her own daughters free will. The idea of free will is absolutely sacred to us westerners and especially to the americans thus making the text controversial and the controversiality of the text is what makes it enjoyable. The agressive language and the controversial topic of screaming horrid things at your children and forcing them to play the violin two to three hours a day are what makes this article interesting. Because it is interesting, well written, and genuinely thought provoking even for those of us who haven’t had any experience in real parenting

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