Essay On Should The United States Survive Under The Articles Of Confederation

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The United State of America Will Not Survive Under the Articles of Confederation The reason the United States will not survive under the Articles is because under the Articles “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, independence and every power, jurisdiction, and rights, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated.” This means each of the states have most of the power to govern and the result is that the confederation government is constantly required to ask the state legislatures to approve laws which the confederation government needs to govern. The problem is that none of the states are of sufficient size to survive on their own. The problem was stated by Benjamin Franklin at the time of the Revolution: “If we don’t hang together, we will…show more content…
The Senators will serve for 6 years and each state will elect two Senators. One third of the Senators shall be up for election every two years. The executive will be called the President and will be responsible for enforcing the laws passed by the Congress. The President and a Vice President, who will replace the President if he is unable to serve as President, will be elected by a majority of those who vote for the members of Congress. The President may veto laws passed by Congress, but Congress by a two-thirds vote of the House and the Senate, can reject the veto. The President shall appoint judges and officials of the United States, subject to Senate approval. The President can be removed from office by the Senate under certain circumstances. The Supreme Court shall consist of persons appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate. The Supreme Court can try both civil and criminal cases. If a claim is made in case being tried by the Supreme Court that the law involved in the case violates of the Constitution and the Supreme Court agrees, then that law cannot be
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