Essay On Massage Therapy

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Regular Massage Therapy For Bodybuilding: Massage therapy, massage for athletes, athlete massage, sports massage It should also be remembered that all muscles even when they do become overly tight, do not become so to the same extent all over the body. Soft-tissue treatment is an important part of the recovery process for many weightlifters. Massage is probably the most favored method. Massage is used to speed recovery following heavy single workouts, competitions, or during high-intensity cycles. Massage also plays a part in the prevention of injury, especially those that might arise due to overuse and overload. And finally, we can’t forget the importance of massage in the injury rehabilitation process. How Massage Long stroking movements are used to move fluid through the…show more content…
Massage therapy is much more than a mere luxury. It should be regarded as part and parcel of your dedication to living a healthy life. Research establishes that regular massage therapy improves range of motion, reduces recovery time, increases muscle tone, and increases flexibility. Since massage acts as an auxiliary heart by increasing circulation, it thus facilitates the elimination of toxins and other metabolic wastes generated as a byproduct of resistance training. Massage therapy reduces the time that it takes the body to heal an injury. An unbelievable case in point is one of my personal training clients. During an incline dumbbell press, she over-extended her shoulder. Not only did the weights come crashing to the ground, worse yet, when she got up off of the bench, she literally could not move her arm. Soreness and pain in her shoulder arrived the very next day putting her training on hold indefinitely. During a session of deep tissue massage I could feel the tightness in the shoulder joint itself, which not only caused pain, but also limited the joint's normal range of

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