Essay On Lawn Mower

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Lawn mower Lawn mowers are device can help us clean up our small garden more easily. Without need not use the traditional lawn tools such as knives, scissors, wire rotating machinery. History The first lawn mower was invented by Edwin in 1827 in Thrupp, Stroud in Gloucestershire right outside. The primary mower are designed to cut the grass on the playground and large garden, as a superior alternative to the scythe, and was patented in England 31th August, 1830. The first machine is manufactured with 19 inch (480 mm) wide with a frame made of wrought iron. The cutter is designed with hand-pushed from behind. Cast iron wheel with power output from the rear roller to cut the cylinder, allowing the rear roller to drive the knife on the cutting cylinder (the ratio is 16: 1). Another roller placed between the cylinder and the cutting roller or the land can be raised or lowered to change the height of the slice. Two of the early production machine has been sold, and they were taking to park at the London Zoo, Regent and Oxford College Classification of lawnmowers: - Mowers with rotating bar (By rotation)…show more content…
It consists of a cylinder mower or mower coil carrying a knife, cut fixed at the desired cutting height. Inside is a quick roll of the tongue that had turned over the bar cutting grass. Each blade in the cylinder blades form a spiral around the roll axis, and set the rotor describes a cylinder. If the surface area of the lawn is only about a quarter acre, this type of lawn mower (push lawn mower) will become the best choice. These types of lawn mowers, which are inexpensive and very easy to use, although they need more thrust. Moreover, its structure is quite simple compared to the self-propelled mowers or gas. Therefore, it will be rarely

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