Essay On Goat Animals

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1.0INTRODUCTION After doing some research in the Internet, I decided to do a comprehensive essay on the topic ‘Goat Breeds All Over The World’. It is because there are huge and bundle of information regarding goat species and goats are considered one of the beneficial animal to the mankind. Therefore, the goats are called as multi-purpose animal. The goats are domestic animals which are called herbivores as they feed on grasses. The goats are also ruminants. Ruminants are a member of which they will chew the cud (grass) and have a stomach that consists of four compartments. The subtopic that I discussed in this assignment is firstly the history of the breeds, followed by characteristics of the breeds. Apart from that, the common breeds of the goat are being discussed in this assignment. Next, I have included information regarding goat farming and not excluding the importance of the goat as agricultural product or activity. Besides that, there are some…show more content…
The members of the Bovidae family exist in different coat colours which are brown, tan, red, black and white. However, there are some domestic goats that have several different colours rather than curling. Both of the gender can have these features. 3.2Lifestyle Characteristics of Domestic Goats These domestic goats live all over the world, especially in farms. As long as grass is available, these goats will be able to manage. Because of their tame natures, they are suitable to live in the areas that have fences that can prevent the predators from gaining access to them. Besides that, the domestic goats will consume a lot of grass regardless of its dry or fresh condition. In addition, leaves are one of the other vital staple of the domestic goats’ diet whether from shrubs, trees or bushes. 3.3Physical Characteristics of Wild

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