Essay On George And Lennie's Relationship

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Cody Fitzgerald Period 2 11/9/12 In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie’s relationship is imperfect, but they still work together for their mutual benefit to achieve their shared dream. George and Lennie hold each other back from what each other desires, which are based on the men’s backgrounds and obligations. George must take care of Lennie because of Aunt Clara’s death, but the task is tough as a result of Lennie’s mental retardation. Additionally, George cannot do the minimal things that he perspired to do in life, like get a real job, and not be a rancher who must jump from ranch to ranch. Along with Lennie, George restrains Lennie from petting things he wants, like rabbits, which is his dream and only real happiness in his…show more content…
Although the pair holds each other back from what each yearns, they take care of and depend on one another. Lennie depends on George for help in daily life because of his mental retardation, while George needs Lennie for his companionship. Without Lennie, George would have a dull life without entertainment, which helps while working on ranches since days can be long and hard. Aside from their friendship, George and Lennie help each other at work. George is the brains, who finds the work for the two and does the talking, while Lennie is the physical strength. Being ranchers, they spend considerable time together, creating a bond between the two helping their relationship. But bonding does not always turn out well; they often get frustrated with one another. When George tells Lennie what to do or say, and when Lennie refuses to do what he says, George gets aggravated. For instance, when speaking with the boss of the ranch, George specifically tells Lennie to keep quiet, but Lennie speaks regardless, “‘No he ain’t, but he’s sure as hell of a good worker. Strong as a bull’ Lennie smiled to himself. ‘Strong as a bull,’ he repeated. George scowled at him, and Lennie dropped
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