Black unemployment rates seemed to remain constantly higher than the corresponding sums for white people and even if they were successful in finding a job they wouldn't usually receive equal pay. However due to the 1964 Civil Rights Act a prosperous black middle class was quickly growingand gaining professional qualifications. Black families earning over $10,000 a year rose rapidly and in the 1960's black incomes went up over 100%. Although they were still only earning 61% of the average white family this was seen as a valid improvement for black American's regarding their needs being met. The percentage of black southerners in segregated schools was still as high as 58% in 1965, but with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Education Act of 1965 over the next four years progress became more rapid in the
Double consciousness forces blacks to not only view themselves from their own unique perspective, but to also view themselves as they might be perceived by the outside world. Du Bois spoke of this when he talked about “the sense of looking at one’s self through the eyes of others”. As a result, blacks can suffer from a damaged self-image shaped by the perceptions and treatment of white people. Black life in turn can easily become shaped by stereotypes perpetuated by mainstream culture. According to Du Bois the prejudices of white people elicit “self-questioning, self-criticism, and lowering of ideals” among black people.
It is a fact that by going to college a person will get better jobs for higher salaries. People also attend college so he/she can choose a high paying career. A person will lead a better and less stressful life if their financial status is never a problem. That would leave time for many things that could enrich a person’s life as opposed to working for ninety percent of it. Without going to college, people will make minimum wage, if he/she do make good money, it is because he/she are breaking their backs for it.
Especially in today's society, there is a dire over emphasis of the media. Television and other types of media display certain lifestyles and ideas and then the public automatically conforms. The media was a prime culprit in so much black people conking their hair in Malcolm X's
Essay #5 The Civil Rights Movement began in the 1950s to create a sense of equality which had been discriminated against African-Americans. African-Americans fought to break free from the oppression they felt from white Americans by nonviolent acts and protest, such as sit-ins or marches. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, or national origin. Throughout the next three decades after this Act was passed, African-Americans were a major interest and portrayed in several different ways throughout film. This movement, just like other major events in history, created an interest of African-Americans in film.
The increased acceptance of African Americans into Ivy League schools and the emergence of women in the corporate world and technological fields provide representation in areas that may not have been considered prior to affirmative action. According to Williams (2009), “In the professional world, blacks and Hispanics make up a mere 4 percent to 6 percent of the nation's lawyers, doctors and engineers” (p. A21). As society continues to evolve, and unfounded stereotypes become a thing of the past, the need for affirmative action will diminish in the
Furthermore, the non-Hispanic Whites population will slightly decline even with the burgeoning elderly population because of healthier lifestyles and improved health care services available. Hispanics are expected to increase by 188% and account for nearly one-quarter of the nation's population although, The United States Census Bureau believes many Hispanics born in America claim Whites on census surveys. Asians, however, are expected to triple to over 33 million by 2050. Historically, America has been a "Black and Whites" country with Blacks accounting for nearly 13% of the current population. By 2050, the Black population will increase roughly 15%, making them the second largest minority group in America.
With all of the opportunities available to you, you will also have more options in terms of the kind of job you have, where you live, and much more. 4. Face Adversity – Having a college education will not only help you to succeed in the current recession, but will also help you to be better prepare for future economic difficulties. With a decent salary, you will be able to save up money in case of an emergency. You will also be less likely to lose your job in the future if you have a college degree.
Racism is indeed the national obsession. America is said to be racked with it but why? Racism is widespread and has caused major problems. Many people distrust or fear other people who look or act differently. Racism in the United States seems to be directed mainly by the white majority against racial or ethnic groups such as Blacks, Indians, Indians and more.
The text tells how YY thinks the attitude towards black people has changed and it is therefore subjective because it states what she thinks. The racial attitude has according to YY been improved since the election of Barack Obama and she thinks it makes the life easier for black people. Though the text is subjective, YY also uses experts and statistics to strengthen her arguments. The experts make her arguments more reliable thus she boosts her ethos, whereas the statistics strengthen her logos. The second text, “Black History Month”, is written by Eric Holder (EH).