Essay On Constantine's Influence On Christianity

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Erik Arroyo Mr. Seaton PHIL 200 17 Sep 2013 Constantine’s influence on Christianity Do you know who Constantine was? Many historians affirm he was the first Roman Emperor to convert into Christianity. This took place around the fourth century. It is also said that once he converted he brought new laws protecting the Christian people from persecution. Historians today don’t understand why he favored this religion, but they believe it was because of a vision he had from the God of Christianity or he simply adopted it from his mother who introduced it to him during his childhood. What is most important is how he dramatically changed the course of Christianity as will now be discussed. Constantine was born February 27,272 in…show more content…
On October 27, 312 while Constantine’s armies were preparing for battle as they started marching Constantine looked up to the sun and saw a cross of light above the cross were the words “You shall conquer”. That same night he had a vision. The God of Christianity told him he would intervene and help him win the battle, but Constantine had to fulfill his commandment. God commanded Constantine to delineate a heavenly sing on the shields of all his soldiers. The sign was the first two letters of the word Christ. The two letters were also known as Chi-Rho. Constantine had an encounter with Yahweh the God of Christianity. And as God had commanded him the next morning he did just that and ordered all his soldiers to put the heavenly sign in their shields. It was expected that Maxentius would remain within Rome and endure a siege. Those were his plans but he then decided to meet Constantine in open battle. Maxentius chose to make a stand on the Milvian Bridge. Maxentius built a temporary bridge so that when Constantine and his army were on it the bridge would collapse. Maxentius fell into his own trap. Maxentius along with his armies fell into the river under the bridge due to the bridge collapsing. At the battle Constantine was victorious and won affirming his spot as the Roman Emperor. By winning the battle he now had total control of the Western Roman

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