Essay on Conference Makes a Ready Man

450 Words2 Pages
Worldly-wise Bacon sums up in this sentence, an aphorism, — how a man can acquire 'readiness' or promptitude by participating in conference, meaning discussion and deliberation. Conference implies a meeting, together with a view to examining all the pros and cons of an issue, putting in their proper perspective. Habitual participation in conference of this kind makes a man ready-witted. He acquires the quality of quickness of mind, of unerring precision in reaching the heart of the matter. Conference helps a man to acquire these admirable virtues better than any other method. At the conference table mind clashes with mind and it, helps strike the spark of truth. Vague, ambiguous or inaccurate statements are immediately challenged and subjected to scrutiny: we have to overcome opposition by precise and rational arguments. This clash of intellect is a great sharpener of reason. By constant use, intellect acquires brilliance. Practice gives skill, and all opinions, prejudices, and preconceived notions, are adequately tested. In a word, experience at the conference table makes a man ready-witted; he is far more alert and prompt in judgment. A true conference is one in which member comes with open minds, ready not only to convince others but to be convinced themselves. There must be an atmosphere of sweet reasonableness of give-and-take. Each member must be as willing to listen as to speak. While he must have the strength of his convictions, he must equally have the honesty to confess his errors. Unfortunately, most conferences degenerate into unseemly wrong. Tempers are frayed and lost; motives are imputed; charges and counter-charges are flung across the table. Such conferences do not certainly contribute to make a ready man in Bacon's concept of the term. The conference table is the altar of democracy. For in democracy there must be no imposition of

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