Essay On Coconut Oil

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Natural Coconut Oil Other Uses: Stretch Marks Stretch marks occur as the skin’s elasticity changes, most frequently after weight gain/loss or pregnancy. Using coconut oil can help reduce the marks that are left behind, helping them fade more quickly while keeping skin moisturized to allow quicker healing. Scrub Moisturize while getting rid of dead skin cells by making your own body (or facial) scrub. Just mix coconut oil with coconut sugar to reveal smoother skin. Try it a few times a week. Scalp Moisture Using coconut oil for hair and scalp will keep the area moisturized, discouraging dandruff growth and keeping hair looking shiny. If you have dry ends as well, rub some oil on them to provide deep conditioning. Shaving Gel Get a close,…show more content…
The caveat is that while coconut oil does provide minimal sun protection about SPF 4 I’d recommend adding red raspberry seed extract or zinc oxide to make a stronger sun block if you’ll be in the sun for an extended period of time. Not only is using coconut oil on your skin an all-natural method to eliminate many of the toxic ingredients that are found on drugstore shelves, but it’s also a cost-effective way to care for your body. Coconut oil also is able to penetrate your skin on a deeper level than your average product because of its low molecular weight and the way it bonds with proteins. I predict that you will be surprised to learn just how great coconut oil is for the skin. Soon, you can ditch those extra products in the medicine cabinet and try many, if not all, of these 20 ways to use coconut oil for healthy, radiant skin instead! It’s no surprise that I’m a huge coconut oil fan, for it’s the do-everything oil with next-to-zero downside. Coconut oil is loaded with good fats that provide us with energy, able to fight microbes in the body and excellent for cooking. It even smells amazing! But did you know that coconut oil for skin is also a thing? That’s right; you can reap coconut oil’s benefits from the

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