Essay On Celebrity Endorsement

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In marketing the tool of using celebrities in adverting has long been a staple in projecting a brands product image and reinforcing that image to its consumers. This marketing tool, being used for decades is still an effective and popular method of marketing communications, from Coca-Cola being endorsed by Lillian Nordica 1903-1905(Van Winkle 2014), to Lincoln being endorsed my Mathew McConaughey 2014-present (Wernle 2014). The fact that this method is still being used today holds many advantages and influence the attitude of consumers towards the brand. This essay will delve into these advantages as well as issues, definitions, theories, methods and argue the issue “is it worthwhile for a brand to back celebrities” Brand . A brand can be composed of five factors, its promise to consumers, its perception by consumers, the brand expectations based of its promise and the persona of the brand and its elements. A brand can also be described as “the proprietary visual, emotional, rational and cultural image that can be associated with a company or brand” (Padhy and Das 2012). Celebrity . A celebrity is an individual whom is recognized for their achievements and influences in a culture. Attributes such as…show more content…
Celebrities are human and are prone to make human mistakes, as their personal life is constantly in the public and medias eye, it is quite easy for them to be scrutinized for any mistakes they make and the repercussion can be greater than in comparison to someone that is not in the limelight. The brands have little or no control over how the celebrity acts in public and represent their brand (Erdogan, 1999). A popular example is Tiger Woods losing $22 million in endorsements which included AT&T A celebrity can become bigger than the brand it endorses and unintentionally drowning out the brand in the advertising. The ad suddenly about the celebrity and communication with consumer is lot Millward

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