Essay On Carbohydrates

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Carbohydrates are macronutrients that serve as your main fuel source. While most carbohydrates are found naturally in plant-based foods like grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables, many people believe that consuming carbohydrates can be fattening. However, it is more likely that weight gain occurs when you consume processed foods, wherein carbohydrates, in the form of added sugars and starch have been added by food manufacturers. To understand more about carbohydrates, it is best to remember that there are three main types: • Sugar, which is the simplest form of carbohydrates. It is naturally found in some foods like fruits and vegetables, but it is also found in table sugar as sucrose and in milk, as lactose. • Starch, which is a complex form…show more content…
This is especially true, if you are also exercising while dieting. You tend to lose more water and fat, but you may be gaining muscle. That is not a bad thing at all, because you are achieving your goal of losing unhealthy fat, while being able to tone your body. 2. You are not reducing your carb intake enough. Many fruits contain a high amount of sugars. Some foods like pasta and bread contain refined sugars, while juices may contain added sugars, which you may not aware of. The trick is to choose the type of foods that contain more fiber and less of the simple sugars, such as leafy green vegetables and whole grains. 3. You are stressed most of the time. It is not enough to eat a low carb diet and exercise to lose weight. There are other factors that can keep you from achieving your goals, such as chronic stress, which causes your body to produce stress hormones called cortisol. Stress hormones can increase your cravings and hunger level and may sabotage your weight loss program. Try to reduce your stress levels by relaxing, meditating and practicing deep breathing

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