Essay On Being Human

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Someone can’t debate whether they’re human or not, because it’s not up for decisions.They also can’t take it away from in them if they desired to. Once they’re born with those characteristics they stay like that until their end and can’t change that. There is a handful of things that makes one human like them being unique, special, and different than any other species. One of the main reasons someone is given the title “Human” is the ability to make choices. One way someone is a human is they learn from their mistakes, not like animals, because of the complexity of the homosapians’ brain, a homosapien is the scientific word for human. Animals can certainly learn, but they can’t take into consideration there mistakes and strive to…show more content…
A person’s brain develops tremendously while it grows older, this allows for it to help them in ways it couldn’t before. They are assisted with their organization, planning, putting their decisions in action, and making rational and non-harmful decisions. This manages them and keeps them in balance throughout their life. One small good decision made by a person leads to a huge impact for others. For example, say, someone went to a job interview and was getting asked a whole list of questions. Say, they got two choices, which were they can only save themselves or save other people. Say, they say they would rather save other people than themself and they get the job. They got the job for making a good decision that would have impacted the environment around them. They also, made a good decision by choosing to help other people. Animals can’t decide what a good decision is, or any decision, like a human. An animal waits for their leader, this could be their mother, to choose what they want to do. A good way to understand this is by thinking that an animal follows their leader like a cat follows a mouse.Their ‘good’ decisions are just them following whoever they have been told to follow. This separates and makes people human, rather than
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