Errors Of The Trial Balance

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Munali Boys High School Page 1 of 5 Mumba G (Mr.) Zambian Lesson Plan Commerce and Accounts: Errors in the Trial Balance Grade: 10 Author: Mr. G Mumba, Munali Boys School ERRORS AND THE TRIAL BALANCE – PART 1 A. ERRORS NOT AFFECTING TRIAL BALANCE AGREEMENT There are basically six main errors, which when committed, the Trial Balance still agrees. These are; error of omission, error of commission, error of principle, error of original entry, Compensating errors and error of complete reversal of entries. 1. ERROR OF OMISSION This is refers to a situation where a transaction is completely omitted from the books of accounts, and so double entry not applied anywhere in the books.  To correct such errors, double entry system must be applied correctly in the Journal. Examples (i) A payment of K60,000,000 cash to B.Musonda was completely omitted from the books of accounts. (ii) The withdrawal of stock worth K80,000,000 by the proprietor form the business for personal use was not recorded anywhere in the books. (iii) A receipt of K70,000,000 by cheque from J.J.B.Electronics was completely omitted from the books. THE JOURNAL DATE DETAILS F Dr. (K) Cr. (K) (i) B. Musonda 60,000,000 Cash 60,000,000 (ii) Drawings 80,000,000 Purchases 80,000,000 (iii) Bank 70,000,000 J.J.B. Electronics 70,000,000 2. ERROR OF COMMISSION This is the entering of a transaction in the wrong account, but of the same class. That is either in the wrong personal, nominal or real accounts.  To correct errors of commission, the wrong account must be cancelled (i.e by debiting it if it was wrongly credited or vice versa). The correct account must then be entered in the Journal to complete double entry system. Munali Boys High School Page 2 of 5 Mumba G (Mr.) Examples (i) A purchase of goods on credit from K.Mbewe K20,000,000 was correctly entered in the Purchases

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