Erik Erikson’s

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Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development Long Vu Eastern Florida State College Abstract This essay I will talk about Erikson’s Stages of Development and I will discussed of its concepts, theories and how Erikson has an influenced view the importance of identity. All of the stages in Erikson’s theory according to both an innate scheme and in a family that expresses that values of a culture. Each stage builds on the preceding stages and paves the way for subsequent stages. On his ideas, though, were greatly influenced by Freud, going along with Freud’s ideas, however Erikson emphasized the role of culture and society. I am believe the key of an idea in Erikson’s theory is that the individual faces a conflict at each stage, which may or may not resolved within that stage. I shall now present a brief sketch of those parts of Erikson’s theory of developmental stage and on each stage on will use some question on it. Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development Stages of Development Erikson was a psychologist who did most of his work in the post-Freudian era, in the 1930s to the 1950s. He was a one of Freud student, and was the greatly influenced. However, not like his predecessor, Erikson have a great deal of importance to the social environment in a person’s. (Wikipedia, 2014) Trust vs Mistrust The first year of an infant’s life can the greatest full time to joy and learning, growth physically, emotionally. Erikson have developed eight psychosocial stage beginning with stage one,” Trust and Mistrust”. In this stage of life you will be faced with make or break the person you are, as well as the person you’re working to become. Usually during the first 18 months children develop a sense of trust when caregivers provide reliability, care and love, but when they have lack of this will lead to mistrust, and soon a separation between the child and the caregivers around
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