Equilibrium Essay

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How will you differentiate between physical and chemical equilibria? Ans. Physical equilibria do not involve changes to the chemical properties of the substances involved. For instance, equilibrium between water vapor and liquid water in a partly filled sealed container. It is a physical equilibrium since the water molecules have only changed from liquid to vapor. Chemical equilibria on the other hand involve changes in the chemical composition of substances. Bond breaking and bond formation is involved. An example would be the dissociation of acetic acid. There is an interchange of particles between ions and molecules whose rate of exchange becomes equal when equilibrium is established. CH3COOH + H2O = H3O +1 + CH3COO-1 Question 2 What are general characteristics of Physical equilibria? Ans. The general characteristics of physical equilibria are as below: At the equilibrium point, the measurable properties of the system become constant. The equilibrium is of dynamic nature; means that both the forward and backward processes are taking place even at the equilibrium point but with the same speed. The equilibrium involving gases can be attained only in closed containers. At equilibrium, the concentrations of different substances involved in the process become constant at constant temperature. The equilibrium involving a solid dissolved in a liquid at a particular temperature is represented by the saturated solution. Question 3 The solubility of a gas in a liquid is given by Henry's law. What kind of equilibria is shown Henry's law? Ans. This is a case of physical equilibrium between a gas and its solution in a liquid. Question 4 Explain that chemical equilibria can be achieved from either side. Ans. Question 5 State and explain the law of mass action. Ans. The Law of Mass Action is defined as “ At
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