(2009) Effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index in children: A meta-analysis. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 180(7), 719-726. Retrieved from http://www.iom.edu/~/media/Files/Report Files/2011/Early-Childhood-Obesity- Prevention-Policies/Young Child Obesity 2011 Recommendations.pdf Lavizzo-Mourey, R., & Levi, J. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, (2012). F as in fat 2012: How obesity threatens America. Retrieved from website: http://www.rejf.org/content/dam/farm/reports/reports/2012/frjf401318 Karnik, S., & Kanekar, A.
Childhood Obesity Kristy Unkel Walden University Childhood obesity is a serious chronic medical condition that affects millions of children in our country. It is a rapidly growing public health concern in the United States. As obese children grow into adulthood, their risk for health problems such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and hypertension also grows (“Overweight and obesity”, n.d.). Obesity is a difficult disease to manage since obese children are “predisposed to obesity for the rest of their lives” (“Overweight and obesity”, n.d.). According to the surgeon general, in the year 2000, “the total annual cost of obesity and complications in the United States was $117 billion and more than 300,000 Americans died from illnesses related to obesity” (“Overweight and obesity”, n.d.).
The Food and Drug Administration which, would be on the national level discusses in the early twenty-first century, The United States started facing a health epidemic that possibly could be catastrophe to the health of comminutes nationwide (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2009). Americans are ingesting too much food and not exercising causing many American’s to be overweight or obese. The United States has123 million overweight or obese Americans with 15% being children (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2009). South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are in agreement with the FDA that the citizens of the United States are becoming more and more obese and there needs to be a solution. All there levels of government have developed a strategy plan to combat obesity and function as a map to defeating the epidemic of obesity.
America’s Issue Childhood Obesity America’s Issue Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is becoming more and more of an issue that greatly effects the overall health of America’s youth. In almost every case the obesity follows the youth well into adulthood resulting in terrifying health conditions and even death. It is an ever growing issue amongst America’s youth and adult health. America is suffering from a heart disease epidemic that ranged in the medical cost of 273 billion dollars in 2010. The cost is expected to sky rocket well into the 800 billion dollar range by 2020.
The economic cost of supporting and increasingly overweight population with more diseases is another concern (U.S. obesity). Childhood obesity has not only prominent immediate effects but dangerous long-terms effects on children’s health and wellbeing. The effected children can more likely to have risk factor, cardiovascular disease, such a high cholesterol and high blood pressure. In a population based sample of 5 to 17 years old, 70% of obese youth had one risk factor for cardiovascular disease. (Journal of Pediatrics,
(2004). Medically Managed Weight-Loss: Obesity Action Coalition, 232. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from www.obesityaction.org National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey . (2010, August 9). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(2010). Obesity in America. Retrieved on October 10, 2010, from downtoearth.org Obesity in America web site: http://www.downtoearth.org/health/nutrition/obesity-america Jain, A. (2010). Temptations In Cyberspace: New Battlefields In Childhood Obesity.
"Physical activity and childhood obesity: strategies and solutions for schools and parents." Education 132.4 (2012): 915+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 9 Dec. 2013.
(2008). Employer adoption of evidence-based chronic disease prevention practices: a pilot study. Retrieved November 10, 2010, from http://www.cdc.gov/PCD/issues/2008/jul/07_0070.htm Geyman, J.P. (2005). Myths and memes about single-payer health insurance in the United States: a rebuttal to conservative claims. International Journal of Health Services, 35(1), p. 63–90.
Clinical Pediatrics, 53, 60-65. Pediatric and adolescent obesity and obesity related conditions have become a tragic epidemic, and major public health issue in the United States. The focus of this paper will be to take a closer look at Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) in Adolescents, and the ethics, perceptions, and guidelines related to it. As nurses, we serve an important role in assisting Health Care Providers regarding appropriate care, referrals, and counseling/teaching for our patients and their families. Pediatric obesity in the United States is a major public health concern.