Entertainment Media Essay

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Influence of Entertainment Media Entertainment media is what keeps the masses entertained. It plays a huge role in an individual’s daily life. Entertainment Media is not only enjoyed or viewed through television but also through the Internet and even radio. It comes in the form of reality shows, sitcoms and even entertainment news. Even with the different forms of it, there are different subjects or preferences that people are entertained by such as drama, action, music and even storytelling. Whatever it is that entertains a person, entertainment media has in some way or another shaped American culture and its values whether it is positively or negatively. American Culture and its values Entertainment media in a sense has America by the throat. The amount and type of information that is pushed out through the television is astounding. The media influences the viewers positively and unfortunately, sometimes negatively. The amount of violence and sex in the media has increased and many young people are exposed to this without filter sometimes. This can have a negative influence on them that can lead to teenage pregnancy and even someone getting injured or killed. If a child’s television intake is not monitored or not taught that not all forms of the media is “real life” related, then the child is left to be “raised” by the media. They’ll begin to emulate what it is that they see or hear on television which for the most part, lacks any type of moral values. Social influences of entertainment media are more negative than positive. This is because with entertainment media comes entertainers otherwise known as celebrities. Celebrities are idolized by those they entertain and it is that idolization that can be negative. A child will follow them on Twitter and other forms of social media and follow everything that person does and to be honest, not all they do
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