Enron Essay

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1. Issue: Did Mr. Stand Ground commit ASSAULT against Ms. Hadd? Rule: Act; Intent to cause either: an imminent harmful or offensive contact, or an apprehension of an imminent or offensive harmful contact; Apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact to the plaintiff’s person; Causation Analysis: It is evident that Mr. Ground committed an assault against Ms. Hadd by approaching her in the act with his taser gun and firing an electrical impulse and hitting Ms. Hadd with the intent to cause imminent harmful offensive contact. After striking Ms. Hadd with the taser causing offensive contact to the plaintiff’s person which was caused by Mr. Ground’s actions it’s reasonable to conclude he committed an assault. Conclusion: I believe that the tort of assault did occur. 2. Issue: Did Mr. Ground commit INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS against Ms. Hadd? Rule: An act of extreme or outrageous conduct; Intent to cause severe emotional distress; Severe emotional distress is suffered; Proximate causation Analysis: It’s probable that Mr. Ground committed intentional infliction of emotional distress against Ms. Hadd by approaching her with a weapon and by committing an extreme conduct by striking her with the taser and causing severe emotional distress by stinging her with the taser causing her to hit the ground which was caused by his outrageous act. Conclusion: I believe that the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress did occur. 3. Issue: Did Mr. Ground commit TRESSPASS TO LAND against Mr. Greener? Rule: An act; Intrusion to land; In possession of another; intent to intrude; Causation of the intrusion; Damages Analysis: It’s reasonable that Mr. Ground committed trespass to land against Mr. Greener with the act of driving his vehicle on to Mr. Greener’s yard destroying Greener’s prized roses. Mr. Ground

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