This made his position a weak one, forcing Edward to bind himself to Godwin, as the Earl of Wessex and most powerful man in England at this time. Earl Godwin was the only member of the witan offering to support Edward. The reasons for this are unclear though it is likely Godwin felt that he could exert influence over the inexperienced King and therefore gain yet more power over England. Despite the odds being stacked against him, Edward took the English throne from the Danish royal family and established himself as a strong and wise King. Clearly his success had to be dependant on a number of weighty advantages, his growing up in Exile for example.
Therefore I believe Lord Curzon was indeed a successful viceroy. Of the Sources, source two is intended to convey Lord Curzon’s tenure as Viceroy in the most positive manner .It lists his positive qualities that made him “India’s best ruler under the raj” . However given the nature of the British Empire in countries such as India the main priority is not always the well fair of the country. For instance many believe Britain was draining India of its wealth rather than helping develop the country, Dadabhai Naoroji's created this “drain theory”. Britain had used combination of force as well as divides and conquers to control India Up until this point.
However reform of the House of Lords could be said to have not gone far enough, 92 hereditary peers still remain in the House of Lords, and the Liberal Democrats call for a wholly elected upper chamber, to make Parliament fully accountable. The House of Lords are also limited in the fact that they can only delay legislation for up to a year and therefore not able to check executive power as much as they should be able to. The Human Rights Act 1998 is another example of constitutional reform. The Human Rights Act adopted the European Convention of Human Rights and set it as UK statute law. This allows for citizens to be clearer on the rights and freedoms they possess.
The strong economy and growing military reputation lay foundations for a strong, proud and militaristic culture. As a relatively new state it could learn from the mistakes of others and as a large state it could bully and manipulate its neighbours, but it was still a subordinate of Austria in the Holy Roman Empire and nowhere near powerful enough to contend Austria’s seat of dominance. The influence that Prussia gained allowed for a stronger Prussia later, the knowledge that Prussia was vastly superior to its neighbours aided in giving Prussians a sense of self-confidence that allowed them to make the exertive steps towards unifying Germany after 1815. From the 9th century until 1806, the Holy Roman Empire dominated the German states, a common language and a notably similar culture had developed and bound the member states together as the ‘Germanic states’ of central Europe. Prior to the dismantling of the Empire by Napoleon in 1806, the Empire had been stagnating and its ‘golden
Henry 7th was ruthless in securing the Tudor dynasty. Firstly he quickly married Elizabeth of York, which not only united the country, but also gave him two sons, Arthur and Henry, which meant that the Tudor line was secure. Next, to protect the marriage of Arthur and Catherine of Aragon, Henry executed the Earl of Warwick who was in the tower. This was a smart move by Henry because Warwick did have a claim to the throne and could have not only split up the marriage of Arthur and Catherine, but also threaten Henry’s stability as king. Henry also needed to control the nobility because if he didn’t, or only managed to control a minority, he could have a revolution, and Nobles, together, had a lot more money and power than the king himself.
Her way of dealing with foreign affairs was very different to her Father’s in that Elizabeth tended to be more methodical in contrast to Henry who settled misunderstanding with battles and warfare. She was more likely to apply logic to her plans and think politically than she was to put war and conflict first. This mindset aided the queen in staying allies with Spain and Philip who were an important power in Europe during the Tudor dynasty’s reign. When Elizabeth became Queen in 1558 on the death of her half-sister Mary, England had a decent relationship with Spain. Mary’s marriage to Philip of Spain obviously helped to cement this even if the marriage itself was not a success.
At some points, colonists seemingly were allowed plenty of freedom, while other times they were under strict English rule. This was all dependent on the rule of England. For example, when Charles II took the throne, he focused on control in the colonies but the reign of William and Mary marked the beginning of a half-century of neglect in the colonies. The inconsistent freedom the colonists were given frustrated them and ultimately contributed to the American
His goal was successful with the Peace of Westphalia, where several treaties were signed, nothing had been solved or changed, and everything went back to the way it was prior to the war. Cardinal Richelieu had been successful with limiting foreign powers, defeating Spanish armies, and proving France’s military power. Yet, however, by siding with the Huguenots, he gained Catholic enemies while strengthening Huguenot powers in France. Cardinal Richelieu stepped down as regent, becoming first minister as King Louis XIII came of age. Although Richelieu left Louis with a powerful France, he gave Louis a politically unstable country.
William Pitt came to power in December 1783, becoming the youngest prime minister in British history. Pitt’s authoritative nature right from the outset served him in good stead, and he exercised a dominance over both parliament and his monarch which very few subsequent Prime Ministers have managed. Pitt also supported parliamentary reform right from the off, and he believed that parliament at that moment in time had become too resistant to reform and the King held too much power. He was a brave man, knowing that the King detested parliamentary reform, he submitted a general proposal for which it was easier to get support for than a specific scheme. He also wanted to increase the British electorate by 30%.
Declaration of Independence set the founding date of the United States on July 4, which was the only the beginning of American war of independence. So unlike other countries, on the founding date, the United States didn't have a decent government, a president, a constitution. The young country lacked too many essential things. The founders had not even laid the country. Declaration of Independence was issued by Continental Congress.