Engaging With Vulnerable Adult.

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In this essay I will be discussing the case study number 8 for Adult nursing which concerns Mr Jones who is 73 years Old. I will be discussing what vulnerability is and the concept of vulnerability and say why I think the patient is vulnerable and I will make reference to the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Professional conduct 2008, I will discuss the professional values in the case study to show how it was demonstrated and how it has not been demonstrated. I will discuss how the nurse could have empowered Mr Jones by demonstrating respect and dignity as well as treating him as an individual. I will also discuss anti-discrimination practices in relation to this case study, how it could be promoted and I will reflect on the unit about what I have learnt from undertaking this assignment. “The concept of vulnerability is the susceptibility to physical or emotional injury or attack. To have one’s guard down, open to censure or criticism. It refers to a person’s state of being liable to succumb, as to persuasion or temptation” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/vulnerability) Vulnerability in terms of health care is “at risk for health problems”. According to Aday (2001) cited in Chesnay (2008) p.3 states “vulnerable populations are those at risk for poor physical, psychological or social health”. Anyone can be vulnerable at any given point in time as a result of life circumstances or response to illness or events. (Chesnay, (2008).3) No Secrets, Department of Health (DOH, (2006) p.2, 3) define that “a vulnerable adult is someone who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness....... and who is unable to take care of him or herself or to protect against harm, injury or, exploitation”. The elderly are often considered a vulnerable population because of their age which is due to the
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