Describe how the duty of care affects own work role I and my employers have a “Duty of Care” when delivering services to the individuals in our care. We must follow the General Social Care Council’s (GSCC) Codes of Practice, our organisational policies and procedures and also Legislations and Acts, all of which set out the standards i am to follow. The GSCC regulates and controls the training and conduct of care workers and their employers and has a code of conduct which each are expected to adhere to. The care worker should • Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and carers • Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users and carers • Promote the independence of service users whilst protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm • Respect the rights of service users whilst seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people • Uphold public trust and confidence in social care services • Be accountable for the quality of their work and take responsibility for maintaining and
Having a code of practice is important in social care due to the fact within this sector you are working with people that are very vulnerable in society. They have a right to expect a certain standard of work, moral and ethical behaviour. In order to be employed in social care in the UK there is a requirement to be registered. This means having or working towards a certain minimum level of qualification and agreeing work within the code of practice that sets out the required behaviour.Standards that are applicable to my role as social care worker are the National minimum standards; this is used by the commission for social care inspection (CSCI) to inspect the quality of care in services.National Occupational Standards – UK Standards of performance where people are expected to achieve in their work, knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively. Competence,
1. Understand what is required for competence in own work role. 1.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of own role. The specific duties and responsibilities of any particular job would depend on the employer one works for. In any case, one would be informed of their duties and responsibilities at their induction which might include the policies and procedures of the organisation, how the structures work and who the managers and supervisors are.
. | 5.4 Explain how legislation and regulation influence working relationships with carers, families and significant others Working in health and social care I have many responsibilities to your employer and to the people you support and legislation guidelines i need to adhere to. In my work setting there are a number of legislations and regulations which influence my working relationship with carers, families and significant others. My organisation has clear and concise policies and procedures which all employees are expected to adhere to. These dictate our individual roles and responsibilities and accountability for me when leading others and also when managing working with the individuals family.
The expression is that we ‘owe’ a duty of care to the service users we work with. ‘Owe’ is a useful word to describe the nature of the duty of care because it is just like a debt, it is something that you must pay as part of choosing to become a professional in the field of social care. Duty of care should be at the forefront of every social care workers practice. However in unfortunate circumstances it may be compromised due to things such as workload and prioritising client’s needs. Aiii) What having a duty of care means for a care giving organisation.
A Code of Practice or sometimes known as Code of Conduct, is one which has been set by an employer, to ensure the correct behaviour of employees and that company procedures are followed. This will usually list numerous items of do’s and don’ts within your working environment. Within my previous training role, I was involved with employee risk assessments, manual handling, as well as data protection. Data Protection Act 1998 – is an act of Parliament which defines UK law on the processing of data on identifiable living people. This is the main piece of legislation which governs the protection of personal data.
Outcome 1 Understand what is required for competence in own work role 1. Describe the duties and responsibilities of own role My duties and responsibilities in my work role are detailed in my job description which are tailored to my particular job role and the health care setting I work in. My responsibilities are governed by the GSCC codes of practice for social care workers and my company policy and procedures will be built in to the GSCC codes of practice. 2. Identify standards that influence the way the role is carried out.
1.1 The law in the UK covers a number of various aspects; these cover areas such as Disciplinary procedures, Health and Safety, Holiday entitlements, Minimum wage, Number of hours worked, Redundancy and dismissal and Training amongst others. There is also the Disability act, Manual handling, Data protection act, General social care council code 2001, RIDDOR 1995 along with more. 1.2 The main features of current employment legislation are Employment Rights, Equality and discrimination, Health and Safety. 1.3 Legislation exists to protect employees from being exploited and abused by their employers. 1.4 The main sources which contain an employee’s responsibilities are in their Contract, Staff handbook, Job description, Work policy documents and the Terms and conditions.
It is important to follow the agreed ways of working so you are certain to be working under the legislations that apply to the role you are undertaking, these could include the data protection act 1998, care home regulations 2001, care quality commission regulations 2009, care standards act 2000, health and safety at work act 1974 and many more. Social care workers following guidance about the limits of their job role is also extremely important as you must stay within the boundaries of your job role
policy making, administrate, and the hands on staff, the working relationship in health and social care starts with the policy making has they have to know everything from the law to the public sector and they will delegate the job of implementing decisions to the administration team, who then will work out the correct forms charts procedures for action and reporting back. Hands on staff who will implement these procedures in their daily jobs. 2.1 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role. It is important to adhere to the agreed scope of own job role in order to fulfil defined roles and responsibilities within own job description. Also as part of a contract of employment employees have a legal responsibility to fulfil including the need to apply professional boundaries as well as be accountable in order to work within professional limitations and meet the re0"ired performance of the job.