Engage in Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

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Describe the duties and responsibilities of your role. Look at relevant standards and the expectations about your own role. (1.1, 1.2) ANSWER: The specific duties and responsibilities of my job are depending on my role and employer I am working for. I am working for a large employer and I had a period of induction (-a formal briefing and familiarisation for someone start at an organisation), where I learned about: • The policies and procedures of the organisation • How the structures work • The people who are my managers and supervisors. The duties and responsibilities required by my employer are not the only requirements of working in social care. The regulator (-someone who ensures compliance with laws, regulations and established rules) in the UK country in which you work will require that you follow the Code of Practice (- a set of guidelines and regulations to be followed by members of an occupation or organisation) that lays out the duties and expectations for everyone who works in the sector. Having Codes of practice is important in social care, because in this sector you work with some of the most vulnerable people in society. They have a right to expect a certain standard of work and certain standard of moral and ethical behaviour. Employers have to ensure that everyone who works for them is registered and eligible to work in social care. - Standards and codes of practice will vary depending on the UK country in which you work. Each UK country has National Minimum Standards (-these are used by the Commission for social Care Inspection to inspect the quality of care in services.) that are used by inspectors to ensure that services are being delivered at an acceptable level. The more importantly the national Occupational Standards (-UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and the knowledge
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