Engage Assesment Assignment

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Melissa H Martin CPD150 Bertha Medina PHD February 23, 2012 Engagement Assessment On January 20, 2012 we took the Engage Assessment in class. This assessment was to test us on how we as Individuals rate towards our goals in College; it measures a variety of different areas. The results are back and there are 10 Different Scales and show us what our Scores are. My ten different areas and scores are as follows: commitment to college 60; 99th percentile, academic discipline 58; 93rd percentile, social activity 55; 92nd percentile, steadiness 65; 91st percentile, general determination 64 81st percentile, study skills 62; 76th percentile, academic self-confidence 58; 74th percentile, communications skills 54; 68th percentile, goal striving 55; 68th percentile and social connection 48; 54th percentile. The three areas that I scored the highest in were Commitment to college, Academic discipline and Social Activity. I am extremely pleased with all of my results as a whole. I do agree with the majority of the scores. I am very committed to College and achieving my dream more than ever I always have a feeling of self-accomplishment every day that I come to school. I have set a goal of getting A’s in all of my classes each semester but I am taking it day by day and week by week. So far I am achieving these goals that I have set for myself. I am glad that we did this assessment, it truly helps us a students and individuals have more hope in knowing what we are great at and what we need to work on. The three areas that I need to continue and develop my skills in are Communications skills, Goal Striving and Social Connection, which I was surprised that these are very similar in my top three scores were so I am not quite sure if they are 100% accurate. I do agree with the last Score on needing to improve my Social Connection with my School Environment. My
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