Eng 103 Quotes

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Adonis Hughes ENG 103, 10:00 class The first part last (1-131) Quotations Part 1 Bkmk. #1 “Bobby, I’ve got something to tell you.” (Johnson 6) Bkmk. #2 “I swear she’s going to think the whole world is your face.” (Johnson 8) Bkmk. #3 “No doubt in my mind that I’m keeping her.” (Johnson 11) Bkmk. #4 “Nia’s parents always treated me good and trusted me.” (Johnson 18) Part 2 Bkmk. #2 “When I walk past my mom’s room, I miss her.” (Johnson 36) Bkmk. #3 “It doesn’t matter what you do, what’s gonna go down is already set. (Johnson 51) Bkmk. #4 “’Shit”…”’That’s pretty much where I’m at.’” (Johnson 40) Bkmk. #5 “This must be it.” (Johnson 33) Part 3 Bkmk. #1 “Nothing’s changed and everything has.” (Johnson 79) Bkmk. #2 “I feel old.” (Johnson 81) Bkmk. #3 “For that one time on the way home I could pretend my baby is my sister.” (Johnson 82) Bkmk. #4 “’So what are we gonna do, Bobby?’” (Johnson 85) Part 4 Bkmk. #1 “You know, the kid with the baby needs to be treated like one.” (Johnson 96) Bkmk. #2 “If we give our baby up, we could get on with it.” (Johnson 98) Bkmk. #3 “I kept telling her about you.” (Johnson 119) Bkmk. #4 “Maybe I’ll just tell him how I feel like I’m a baby with a baby most of the time.” (Johnson
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