Endometriosis Case Study

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1. DESCRIBE THE DISORDER/DISORDERS Endometriosis is the growth of the endometrium tissue in places other than the uterus walls (E.g. fallopian tubes); endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus. The most common places where endometriosis occurs are the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, the bowel, and the areas in front, in back, and to the sides of the uterus. All endometrium tissue respond to the hormones oestrogen and progesterone, along with the misplaced cells. Therefore during the period of ovulation all the endometrium tissue and misplace cells thicken in preparation to leave the body during menstruation. But unlike the endometrium tissue found in the uterus, the misplaced cells are unable to leave the body, this causes the cells to become inflamed, bleed, and cause pain. These then eventually heal over and in time it creates scar tissue on the fallopian tube walls and can cause many complications with fertility. 2. EXPLAIN THE DISEASE PROCESS Endometriosis manifests when cells from the mucus membrane that line the uterus, called endometrium, develop implants that attach, grow and function outside the uterus, usually in the pelvic region. Within each endometrial cell there are receptors that form an attachment to oestrogen and progesterone, which stimulates uterine growth and thickening. When the endometrial cells form implants in organs and structures outside the uterus, the hormonal processes carry on regardless which causes bleeding and scarring. The process of endometriosis is very similar to that of normal menstruation at certain stages. Every month the endometrial implants react to the usual monthly hormonal cycle as per the normal process that occurs within the uterus and they fill with blood, thicken, break down and bleed. Unlike the products of a normal menstrual cycle, the products of the endometrial process are unable to be shed via

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