Ender Game Essay

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Frederick Douglass Academy Jason Fajardo English 1/11 8/24/2012 Reading Log for Fiction Title: The Enders Game Author: Orson card Chapter 1 1. Summarize the progression of the plot of the chapter and comment on what elements move the plot forward (3-5 sentences) This chapter was about a boy name Enders but his mother calls him Andrew but most people don’t. Ender was getting his monitor remove from his neck. When it gets removed you change and it a different you so if your nice u will be mean. Ender was the person to learn how to hack the school computer. Ender was getting bully by stilson and they started to fight enders fought but didn’t stop fighting even if he beat him up and started to when he walk away 2. Ask at least 3 open-ended questions about the chapter. (“I wonder what the author meant by...”,”When will we find out…”,”Why did the author include this information…”,”How would the story be different…”,”I wonder if the character knows that…”,etc.) When will we find out what had happen to stilson after he got beat up and is he in a big pain I wonder how the story would be different if he never got his monitor removed What would had happen if ender was the bully instead 3. Choose (and copy) a significant excerpt from the chapter and comment (3-5 sentences) on its significance to character and/or theme development and include the page number. Do not merely summarize the meaning of these lines (i.e.” At first I was confused about…, but now I understand that…”,”these reveal that the character …”,”This quote illustrates the theme of….”) At first I was confused about the quote “ender leaned his head against the wall of the
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