Endangered Species Research Paper

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Endangered species: The Grey Wolf Endangered Species: A species whose number is so small the species is at risk for extinction. Many animals all across the United States are being put on the endangered species list. There are animals that range from bears to small desert animals. One species of animal that are currently on the endangered species list in a large part of the United States are the wolves. The wolves have a history in the North America as well as were they are commonly found and how wildlife foundations are trying to get them off the list and back in natural habitats. The wolf is the largest member of the canine family. The gray wolf often resembles a German shepherd, which is one of the largest house hold dogs in the United States. They generally grow to be about twenty-six to thirty-two inches, weigh anywhere from fifty-five to 130 pounds, and can live up to seven or eight years in the wild or up to ten years if they are in a zoo habitat. They often live, travel and hunt in pacts that usually consist of four to seven wolves. The pack always has a Alpha male and an Alpha female, an Alpha is the dominant of all the pack and lead the pack, their pups and several other subordinate or young animals. Wolves always protect their pack from outsiders and rarely leave one pack to join another or go off by themselves (Clark). By The 1920’s the wolves only had a population of no more than 500. The last two wolves of Yellowstone were killed in 1926- by park rangers, part of whose job description was to kill every wolf, coyote and cougar they came across. But not everyone agreed with this policy. In 1931, Horace Albright, the Park Service director, declared that national parks should preserve examples of all North American mammals “Under natural conditions for the pleasure and education of the visitors and for the purpose of scientific study. His vision

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