End of Life Care

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End of life care: withdrawal /withholding of treatment and its relationship with euthanasia. This essay explores the issue of treatment withdrawal or treatment being withheld from patients with conditions with a very poor prognosis and the ethical issues surrounding the much debated topic of end of life care. With advances in medicine enabling medical professionals to keep patients alive under what would be considered to be a very poor prognosis, the issue of withdrawing or withholding treatment when no further hope of recovery is seen as likely to happen, is one faced by practitioners, next of kin and sometimes patients when they are considered able to make those decisions. End of life care is one of the most discussed topics within healthcare and evokes a lot of emotion from all people involved and this essay aims to highlight how withdrawing and withholding treatment in the last stages of life is connected within the area of ethics to end of life care. The essay will further discuss what withdrawing or withholding treatment involves and its connection to euthanasia and the care of the dying pathway. It will further discuss how this relates to the medical profession and the impact of the decisions made. There is a difference when discussing withdrawal and withholding treatment in that a patient may have suffered a stroke and a decision is made not to ventilate the patient due to poor prognosis or for that person to be put on a care of the dying pathway following unsuccessful treatment attempts, here the active treatment will be withdrawn and this is discussed in further detail later in the essay. Both may be considered by some as passive euthanasia unlike active euthanasia which would involve the act of actually causing a patient to die by for example administering a lethal dose of a drug. (Winter B, Cohen S, 1999) The

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