Empowerment of Women

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Introduction In the current society, empowerment of women has been among the hot issues being debated on. In this regard, there have been campaigns to empower women given that the societal structure has alienated as well as marginalized them. In fact, women have been kept in the society as housewives and the ones to take care of children. As a result, this has limited them to exploit their potentials. Owing to this point, there is a need to empower them. In essence, a person's capacity to make effective choices and to transform choices into desired actions and outcome is what best defines the empowerment of women. The empowerment of women in so crucial owing to the benefits associated with it; however, it has been faced with a lot of challenges that need to be dealt with in order to achieve the anticipated developmental goals. So to speak, the research question of concern has to do with how to deal with the challenges facing the issue of women empowerment. Numerous ways to empower women have been pointed out and made use of; however, the existing social power relations have hindered the success of the empowerment. Therefore, the empowerment of women must become an organized mass movement with the sole aim to challenge and transform the existing power relations in the society limiting the exploitation of their potentials. Although there have been campaigns and creation of awareness towards the empowerment of women, the existing social power relations has hindered the success. As well, the power to make a definitive choice and the institutional framework in which the choice is made greatly contributes to the success of the empowerment of women. Literature Review Sen and Grown (1985) points internal resource mobilization in order that reductions in external aid and resources may be compensated, requires the participation of both men and women. However, women suffer

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