Employment Legislation

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1.1 Every aspect of employment is covered by law the first of any form of employment needs which is a contract or handbook to the employee which explains your contract to employment there is a whole series of laws relating to the condition of work these include, minimum wage, hours work, equality, diversity, discrimination, data protection, health and safety, holiday, maternity, bereavement leave redundancy and dismissal, training, disciplinary procedures and union rights and consultation. Employment law is different in different countries and there are many more laws but these are which I will say are the most important within employment 1.2 The main features of employment legislation are Health and safety at work act 1974, Human rights…show more content…
2.5 minimum wage, the equality act 2010 has replaced The Sex Discrimination Act (1975), The Race Relations Act (1976), Amendments (2000) and Regulations (2003), The Disability Discrimination Act (1995) and the care standards were superseded by England's EYFS in 2008/2012 Agreed ways of working are 'performance, knowledge & understandings' that you and your employer have both agreed to and maybe signed if you have a job contract in order for you to work together positively, fairly, with equality. By abiding by these policies and procedures I am working in a way that I know I am safe and the employer has trust if we all abide by these main laws within my company (as stated in my contract) 3.1 My duties involve supplying a very high standard duty of care to my residents within the company I work and I report within any daily notes factual information of which the next carer can read, report any safeguarding issues to the head carer immediately, ensuring and promoting medication in encouraging my residents to take I also help train staff up by them coming out with me and watching me what I do, I do not handle finance, payrolls rotas apart from me abiding by the rota and going to the correct resident and the correct
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