After Julius Caesar was murdered, Augustus became his heir and raised an army to challenge Mark Antony who had taken control after Julius Caesars death. In 43 B.C. Antony was defeated and Augustus seized military power over Rome. For the following thirteen years Antony and Augustus had battles until 30 B.C. when Antony killed himself.
How did Augustus establish and maintain his power? After the assassination of Julius Caesar in March 44BC, Augustus went to Rome to claim his inheritance and to avenge the death of his great uncle Julius. After liaising with Marc Antony and Lepidus to form an alliance called the triumvirate, they gained revenge over the murderers of Julius and divided the empire between themselves. However, Octavian was set to gain undivided power over Rome, in doing so; he gradually stripped his triumvirate of power and gained the favor of Rome. Octavian placed Lepidus in Pontius Maximus, which provided him with little power in politics; however Marc Antony would be more of an obstacle, as he had now equal rule of Egypt with his wife Cleopatra.
Crassus died Caesar made few changes in the government of Rome Treated Senate as his creature March 15, 44 B.C.E. Caesar stabbed to death in senate The second Trimuvirate and the emergence of Octavian Octavian controlled western part of empire Antonius and Cleopatra (Queen of Egypt) ruled East 31 B.C.E. Octavian defeated their army , civil war ended Age 32 Octavian absolute master of Mediterranean world The Age of Augustus Golden Age of Roman Literature: 2 major poets Virgil (70-19 B.C.E.) Greatest work Aeneid Horace (65-8 B.C.E.) Lyric poet- Odes Ovid (43-18 B.C.E.)
The most damming evidence which supports Agrippina’s power and authority can be seen in the numismatic evidence with silver and gold coins displaying Agrippina and Nero face to face and of equal size on the obverse in 54AD and showing them side to side in 55AD. Agrippina’s political dominance began to decline in Nero’s later reign, as Burrus and Seneca begin to take more control over Nero and rid her of her political influence. This distance between mother and son begins by Nero’s defiance of his marital arrangements to Octavia, falling in love with Acte, a slave girl. Nero then stopped Agrippina appearing on coins and ordered the exile of her ally, Pallas. “Agrippina, loving power more than Nero” (Scullard), began supporting Brittanicus’ claim to the throne utilising the support of the Praetorian Guard.
Caterina Maria Romula de Medici was born on April 13, 1519. Lorenzo II de Medici, Duke of Urbino,*[1] died six days after her birth from syphilis and tuberculosis. Her mother, Madeleine de La Tour d’Auvergne, the daughter of a royal princess, passed away of complications 15 days after her birth. Orphaned, but quite valuable due to her royal blood and inheritance, Catherine was a central figure for control of the papacy and the throne. The Medici’s through careful marriage matches and taking control of the financial banking[2], rose to power as papal bankers after the Black Plague in 1348-49.
Chaos was created following the assassination of Julius Caesar. a struggle for power stood between Caesar’s first lieutenant Mark Anthony, and his grandnephew and adopted son Octavian. The struggles between the two were solved at Actium in 31 BCE. Here, Octavian’s navy routed the combined forces between Anthony and Queen Cleopatra. She desired the power to govern Rome’s empire, and to govern a vast Roman world-state.
By the time of Julius Caesar's dictatorship and subsequent assassination at the hands of the Senate, the Roman Republic was in a virtual free-fall of corruption and struggle for power. The Roman people were tired of the turmoil brought on by decades of war and needed a leader that could and would restore peace, order, and prosperity. Nonetheless, thirteen years of civil war followed Caesar's assassination and during this time Octavian, the grand-nephew and heir of Caesar, came into his sizable inheritance. He entered into a military-dictatorship (the Second Triumvirate) of Rome with supporters of his late great-uncle, was given a senate seat, and was elected consul and granted imperium, all before the age of twenty. Before he was 32 years
It was composed of Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus. The Republic was divided into two with Octavian governing the west and Anthony the east. Lepidus was pushed out of the picture as the two of leaders made this agreement of a split Rome. Eventually breaking out into civil war, Octavian defeated Antony at the battle of Actium in 31 BC. Octavian was in total control of Rome after Antony and Cleopatra both committed suicide.
Once Marc Antony saw her leaving, he chased her, leaving his navy alone. His navy was defeated once he left, leaving Octavian and what was left of his Navy to come kill Cleopatra and Marc Antony. They both, however, committed suicide before he could get there. After Octavian won the war, he became the Emperor of Rome. Once Octavian came to power, the Pax Romana began.
The farmers, who were now demanding governmental reforms in addition to protection from hostile Native Americans, forced the governor to flee. Bacon then led another expedition against the Native Americans, defeating them at the Battle of Bloody Run. While Bacon was engaged in this effort, Berkeley began to raise a force to fight him. Marching against Jamestown a second time, Bacon captured the city and burned it in September 1676. In the following month, Bacon died suddenly and his rebellion immediately collapsed.