Emotional Intelligence- Role and Impact on Academic Performance.

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EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE –ROLE AND IMPACT ON ACEDEMIC PERFORMANCE Anuradha Singh Lecturer Department of Business Administration Sachdeva Institute of Technology Abstract We are at the beginning of a new century, and intelligence and success are not viewed the same way they were before. New theories of intelligence have been introduced and are gradually replacing the traditional theory. The whole child/student has become the center of concern, not only his reasoning capacities, but also his creativity, emotions, and interpersonal skills. The Multiple Intelligences theory has been introduced by Howard Gardner (1983), and the Emotional Intelligence theory by Mayer & Salovey (1990) then Goleman (1995). IQ alone is no more the only measure for success; emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and luck also play a big role in a person's success (Goleman, 1995). The purpose of this study is to see whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and academic success. The present study examines the relationship of self- and other ratings of emotional intelligence with academic intelligence and personality, as well as the incremental validity of emotional intelligence beyond academic intelligence and personality in predicting academic and social success. Factor analysis revealed three emotional intelligence dimensions that were labelled as ‘Empathy’, ‘Autonomy’, and ‘Emotional Control’. Little evidence was found for a relationship between emotional and academic intelligence. Academic intelligence was low and inconsistently related to emotional intelligence, revealing both negative and positive interrelations. Strong relationships were found of the emotional intelligence dimensions with the Big Five, particularly with Extraversion and Emotional Stability. Interestingly, the emotional intelligence dimensions were able to predict both academic and

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