Emotional Disturbance Essay

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Research Paper on Emotional Disturbance Vanessa Y. Cathey Northern Virginia Community College (Fall 2014) CHD 210 (060M) - Introduction to Exceptional Children Abstract In every teaching-learning process, not all students develop one-hundred percent of understanding. There are always students who fail, but failure in examination does not indicate that they are too dumb to learn. One of the major contributors of it is “Emotional Disturbances (ED)”. Most students with emotional disturbance have problems with their social behavior, often displayed as less mature or inappropriate social skills. Some students may be particularly aggressive with peers and adults and cause harm when playing or interacting with others. These students act out in class, do not appear to respond appropriately to discipline from teachers and may seem ignorant to class and school rules. Students with behavioral disorders are at higher risk for substance abuse. Other students may show social behavior like younger children and act socially immature. Some students may withdraw from others and appear socially isolated. All of these emotional or behavioral disorders share the characteristic of an inability to interact appropriately with others, including peers, teachers, siblings, and parents, who negatively affects school performance. Students with emotional disturbance may also inappropriately blame their behavioral or social problems on causes outside themselves, saying things such as, “Teachers are out to get me,” or “Other kids always get me into trouble.” By doing this, these students are able to avoid admitting to or assessing their own behavior and their own role in behavior problems. Explain the Disability The term “emotional disturbance” is used by the nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA defines emotional

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