Emergency Planning Essay

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Emergency planning is a crucial task that should be in every day events. Emergency planning is to mitigate risk and keep us safe. Our parents started emergency planning the day we were born. They ensured that the crib gate was up and cabinet doors were locked. Most people just call this prevention but it is emergency planning to prevent a disaster. Emergency planning is started through past experience in disasters and being able to identify new ones. This is all through risk management or identifying the risk. Once a risk is identify the mitigation process is put into effect. One example of a risk would be flooding caused by a hurricane coming to town or city on a river. The risk is that huge amounts of rain runoff can fill the river and could possible crest. By identifying the risk you can now mitigate the risk by placing sand bags and tarps along the banks of the river. This will hopefully keep the high raising water from flowing into the town. Preparedness is a state of readiness to respond to a disaster, crisis or any other type of emergency. The capabilities built through planning, training and exercising. It is a systematic approach that requires thought and analysis. Preparedness programs are developed to target all audiences to educate, promote and test reactions to disasters. Programs such as the community and family preparedness program, the family disaster plan. In these programs it helps your emergency planning to understand your town and what challenges may lay ahead. Examples would be to know the special needs of you community or town. You may elderly and handicap that will need help during an evacuation. The key to preparedness goes with proper planning and where the plan needs to continue focus. Mitigation in my opinion is probably the most important in emergency planning and disasters. Mitigation a sustained action to reduce

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