Eliminating Racial Profiling

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Audra Kellog Professor Janusz English 122 30 April 2007 Racial Profiling Should be Eliminated in Routine Traffic Stops When a police officer stops a driver only because of his or her race, the act of racial profiling, also known as biased-based policing, occurs. Both of these terms refer to the practice of police officers pulling over a person due to his or her ethnicity. Determining whether or not racial profiling exists in a certain situation can prove difficult; however, many important methods can help in the judgment (Fridell). Victims of racial profiling have several reasons to support their views on the matter. One of the most common arguments deals with respecting the Constitution. Racial profiling should be eliminated in routine traffic stops because it leads to a violation of civil rights, poor relationships between police officers and citizens, and decreased urban safety. Racial profiling violates citizens’ rights in a few different ways. The fourth amendment reads, “The right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated”, as recited by West Des Moines’ police captain, Scott Wiegert. A traffic stop on the basis of race violates the fourth amendment because the officer can make the victim feel violated instead of secure. Racial profiling also violates a person’s rights because the officer demonstrates an “unreasonable seizure” on the victim when pulling him or her over. The term “unreasonable seizure” refers to when the officer proceeds to search the victim’s car for illegal weapons, drugs, and other possessions. Each individual has the right to freedom, and these illegal seizures take away that right. Racial profiling does not only exist from officers to citizens but also from officer to officer. As stated in the Toronto Star, “Instead of effectively
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