Elgin Marbles Essay

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Subject: Art History Elgin marbles Elgin marbles are beautiful and unique pieces of art and continuously part of the Greek culture. So in my opinion Elgin marbles should be returned to their original environment to Greece, to the place where they were created, to their native land. I can understand Greek people how they feel when their beautiful creations of art (Elgin marbles) are keep staying in Britain. I think they feel as they have lost the part of their culture the part of their lives. How I know some countries gave back the marbles to their motherland like Getty Museum of Los Angeles, the Heidelberg University and Swedish teacher, Birgit Wiger-Angner. Of course thanks a lot to British government that they have retained and took care of Elgin marbles but know it’s time to give them back if British government has a little sense of honour. I can’t understand how British government keeps claiming that Elgin marbles no long belong to Greek people they belong to the British museum, it’s a shame. In addition relying to facts I can say that Elgin marbles in process of transferring them to Britain they were seriously damaged, it’s another fact why they should be returned to Greece. So considering all of these facts in my point of view British government hasn’t got any rights to still keep them in their museum. The marbles should be reunited in their original nature so all of them will be together in one place. And some people argue that the marbles should retain staying in Britain because if they will return to Greece no one will come to watch them and it will be left in shadow. I understand how many people will come to take a look at marbles at Britain, but if they are so forward to have a look at them it won’t be a problem to take a flight to Greece and have a look at them. So why not

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