Elderly Care Essay

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Elderly Care One of the toughest challenges you can face when caring for the elderly is resistance to care. How do you help a loved one who doesn't want or resists help? Understand why resistance to care might develop and strategies for fostering cooperation when caring for the elderly. This is where Elderly Care organizations come in handy. Caregiving can also begin as a result of a series of unsettling mishaps and warning signs that indicate a need for long term senior care. Perhaps your elderly spouse has wandered off and gotten lost several times, or a long-time friend has lost a lot of weight and rarely leaves home. Elderly care organizations can benefit those in need. The mission of elderly care organizations are to provide advocacy on legislative, regulatory and financing issues affecting care providers, residents, and consumers. The organization collects and analyzes data relating to the delivery and financing of senior care services, develops and sponsors quality improvement and continuing education programs for facility staff. Their job is also to educate the public and policymakers about issues relating to the care of older adults and individuals with disabilities. Promoting adoption of your initiative's mission and objectives can mean many things. In a broad sense, it can mean getting others (potential funders, other organizations, or members of the community) to think about your program's mission and objectives are generally a good idea. However, promotion of your program's mission and objectives can be part of a more tangible goal, such as getting others to provide financial or in-kind support, getting other groups to do the same types of things you do, or to partner with you in an initiative, getting others to promote your mission and objectives. Based on the mission of the organization, it benefits students by allowing them to

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