Egyptian Makeup Essay

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The Ancient History of Egyptian Makeup Makeup use began with ancient Egyptians around 4000 B.C., though it wasn't just women who wore it. Both men and women donned almond-shaped eyeliner and used skin care oils and perfumes to protect the skin and prevent body offensive to their gods and to themselves. The ancients even painted their nails and dyed their hair. They were the first appearance-oriented civilization. Eye Makeup Ancient Egyptians depict themselves in hieroglyphics and sarcophagi with wide, almond-shaped eyes totally surrounded with eyeliner. They wore this eyeliner every day and believed it to allow the gods Horus and Ra to keep them from sickness. The liner was made from lead salts, so modern scientists were surprised when they found out it did not make them sick due to the toxicity of lead. Instead, the eyeliner protected them against eye infections. The lead salts actually produced nitric oxide, which boosts the immune system. Egyptians wore black liner made from Galena, a lead-based mineral abundant in the desert. Soot was added to make Kohl or Mesdemet, the name for their eyeliner, which was stored in carved stone pots. They also wore eyeliner made from crushed malachite stone, a copper ore. They added water or animal fat to the powder to make a paste applied with a bone, ivory or wood stick. The substance repelled flies and protected the eyes from intense sun conditions. Even mummies' eyes were painted with liner before mummification. Cheek and Lip Makeup Red ochre was taken from tinted clay dug from the ground. It was washed to get rid of sand and dried in the sun, then burned to get a darker color. The Egyptians applied this mineral to their cheeks and lips with a brush to add color to their faces. Sometimes, oils or fats were added to make it a smooth paste. Hair and Nails Henna comes from the leaves of the henna shrub, which is

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