Egyptian and Etruscans

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The complex burials by the Etruscans and Egyptians still remains culturally, ethnically and historically significant to this very day. Even though these two civilizations existed for over thousands of years ago, the tombs have still remained incredibly valuable in today’s society. Etruscan and ancient Egyptian tombs are so alike yet so different. The Etruscans were the first major rulers of Rome, and their customs were incorporated into the early Roman customs. Etruscan society was not centralized nor dominated by a single leader or imperial city. They did speak the same language, shared extremely similar religious rituals, military practices, and social customs. Religion dominated their everyday life and they believed that among them existed an immutable course of divine will, and their best intellectual efforts restlessly remained devoted to the question and interpretation of destiny. Their gods spoke to mortals through nature and all natural events. For example a flock of birds, the sound of thunder, even the strikes of lightning bolts(The Etruscans Par 1). The importance of life after death for the Etruscans is also displayed in the elaborate necropolis, which is the city of the dead. “Like the Romans, the Etruscans did not bury their dead inside city limits, but still sought to provide peace and comfort for their deceased relatives”(Classic Court 2). These necropolises surrounded each town in different sizes and with different layouts. The Etruscans made three different forms of tombs that would reside their deceased members. The most common, simple, and inexpensive tomb was an underground chamber built on the family property. These tombs were of a small square chamber were family could visit. The more complex and prominent was the tumulus tomb. Tumulus tombs were featured with a large mound above the burial site. These burial mounds sometimes reached

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