Egypt and Mesopotamia

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Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt civilizations were both similar and different in their religious and political structures. The most significant similarities were in their were in their religious structure. However, there were also differences in the religious structure. Their greatest differences were in political structure. Mesopotamia and Egypt had their respective differences and similarities, such similarities include belief in gods, the afterlife, and hereditary leaders and the differences contrasting the two consist of the way they saw the gods, burial method, the way the priest were held, and the laws and taxation. Both civilizations shared similar beliefs in their religious structure about gods and what to expect in the “afterlife.” There were also some very different views about the role of priests. The two civilizations strongly believed that gods ruled their world, but Mesopotamians thought the gods in each of their “city-states” were angry and they feared the gods. The Egyptians thought very highly of their gods and believed that they controlled nature and created harmony and prosperity. Each civilization perceived the great floods is an example of their polytheistic beliefs: Mesopotamians thought the flooding and calamity was punishment, while Egyptians thought it was a sign that the gods were looking down on them and the water would make the land more fertile for farming. Another area where they shared similar beliefs in their religious structure was the belief in afterlife. The Mesopotamians believed that they should make preparations and arrangements for the afterlife, but it wasn't as important as serving the gods. Their belief was that you could get to the afterlife by living an extremely pure and good life . On the other hand, the Egyptians had a very strong belief that preparations for after life were very important and made every effort to
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