Eggnog Essay

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Writer’s Checklist for Evaluation Essay Have I included a clear description of the subject I am evaluating? Yes, I have described what ingredients are in eggnog and the nutritional facts. Does my thesis clearly state my opinion of the subject I am evaluating? Yes, I use words to make eggnog sound enticing but without saying I like the product. Have I used effective criteria to evaluate my subject? Yes, giving examples of how it was made then and now. Giving nutritional facts about eggnog and lite eggnog. Have I made a clear and fair judgment about each evaluative criterion? I didn't really judge any of the criterion because I want my audience to make their own decision. Have I supported each judgment with specific details and examples? I gave examples but didn't judge them. Have I ended with an effective conclusion? Yes, I restated my main points and have a strong ending. Have I proofread thoroughly? Yes, I have read and re-read and hope there are no mistakes. Sweet Taste of Eggnog When hearing the word Eggnog, holidays probably come to mind but this sweet drink wasn't always served only around the holidays. The delicious recipe for eggnog has changed from one era to the next and is served in different ways. Eggnog has been around for many years and is now part of some peoples family traditions. References about eggnog date back to the 1800's. Back then Eggnog was made of only sugar, milk, eggs, and ale or wine and was a drink of the upper class. When people drank eggnog it consisted more of alcohol and less milk, sugar, and eggs. Being served hot or cold it was a drink liked by most and was not refrigerated. The upper class served eggnog to their guest and even president However, it's now typically made with milk, cream, sugar, eggs and spices such as cinnamon and or nutmeg. Which gives it a more creamy and nutty flavor. Some people

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