Effects Of Reality Tv

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1. Introduction We live in a globalised world were information is king. The technology world as brought the world to our feet by just a click of the button. We are now surrounded by virtual worlds and reality TV. The question is has this brought us to a place were our reality is now blurred? We live in a world were we are surrounded by the mass media portraying air brushed woman, attractive guys, perfect families etc this is in our faces so much that we start to think that this is who we should be and how we should act, the norm of life if you want. The distinction between real life and life represented by the mass media gets blurred and all sense of reality is lost. Reality television is a relatively new trend that took the television world by storm. Viewers cannot seem to get enough of the torture, embarrassment, temptation, and above all, drama of other regular, everyday people being placed in unrealistic settings and manipulated for the world to see. Although a relatively new trend, it has shown enormous growth and it seems that every second day a new more outrageous reality show is aired. We are plagued with horrible pictures and gruesome stories of violence and terror every day when turning on the TV, we will take a look at the effect this have on us. In this assignment we take a look at things like “does shows like real TV blur our reality”. I will attempt to explain this by applying mass media theories and models to the discussion. We also take a look at media ethics in the world today and censorship and gate keeping. This will be done by use of the case study handed out. The Internet was used as a resource for this assignment as I find the world wide web up to date with the latest information. 2. Reality TV Reality TV shows are supposed to symbolise the “real world” with events that could
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