Effects Of Volcanic Eruptions On Human Life (Medcs & Ledcs):

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*Effects of volcanic eruptions* on human *life* (*MEDCs & LEDCs)*: MEDCs have strong economies, having a large financial and resource base and are therefore able to allocate more resources in the assistance of its own population at a time of need- a time such as a volcanic eruption located within close proximity to a populous region of the country. Affected citizens will have access to necessary provisions such as food, water, clothing, shelter, financial aid and transportation. In MEDCs, the provision of such services can meet demands, is of a high standard and is sustainable for long periods. MEDCs are more able, due to a larger economy to recover quickly from the socio-economic problems that may have resulted from the volcanic eruptions such as poverty, reduced labour, damaged infrastructure and GDP-deficits. LEDCs however are more vulnerable to natural disasters such as volcanic eruption. This is attributed to a generally smaller economy and lower technological development. The amount of the provisions such as food, shelter, clothing, water, financial aid and transport provided will be insufficient to meet the demands of each affected member of the population and due to a less-developed infrastructure; the arrival-time of these resources will be much greater thus prolonging the suffering of the affected population, which in turn, will result in the increased requirement for aid, further straining the respective LEDC’s low finance-base and resources. When such resources are provided however the quality of these resources and services may be woefully inadequate to supplement the requirements of the population, located in regions affected by a volcanic eruption. LEDCs are less able to recover from the socio-economic problems such as poverty, reduced GDP, and damaged infrastructure that may have resulted from the volcanic
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