Effects of Social Media

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Kayla Zingler Psychology Mrs. Tulp 9 December, 2013 Effects of Social Media While social networking has many positive attributes, the immaturity of teenagers and young adults has had many negative impacts on individuals and society. The negative results of social media far outweigh any positives to be found. Some topics to be discussed will be the negative effects of texting, how cyber bulling and cyber peer pressuring are more than face to face bulling and pressuring, how using the computer too often can result in low attention spans, and loss of mental and emotional sanity, and finally how social networks may increase pedophilia along with stranger danger. Although the internet and social websites were created to have a positive impact, social media has a very negative effect on people. First, examine how social media has affected society’s use of texting. Texting is having the ability to communicate with friends and family without having to verbally talk to them. There are times when it is more advantageous to text rather than to talk but that is the exception, not the rule. More often than not, texting butchers the English language. Abbreviations, slang, and horrible grammar all contribute to the destruction of the English language. Some text messages are so complicated and so far removed from regular writing that none but the sender can understand them. “A recent study published in Australia found that texting teens preformed faster on tests but were also more prone to error. What’s more, Mr. Schut found that constant Zingler 2 texting distracts students from developing their formal reading skills” (Howard). Writing skills are important in the way adults conduct their professional lives. Without good writing skills, employers may not take candidates seriously when looking to hire someone for a high paying job. Aggressively rude text messages may
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