Effects of Overpopulation

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What are the effects if overpopulation on the environment? Overpopulation can be defined as an unwanted increase in a society’s population, therefore, reducing the number of resources to each person. Overpopulation does not just affect the standard of living, but also the environment. Every person on the planet takes up space, but the land space is also needed for farmland and forestry. There are numerous effects of overpopulation on the environment. Some of which include water supply, water pollution and soil degradation. Almost all human activities impact the environment negatively in one form or another. As human population expands, the damaging effects on the environment multiply greatly. The availability and accessibility of clean water is one of the most crucial elements needed for survival, and it is also needed to preserve the balance of every ecosystem. Water is crucial for plants and animals as it is needed for them to carry out their vital functions. It is also used to cool down and cleanse the environment. As human population increase, the demand and consumption of water also increases. About one billion people lack access to sufficient water for consumption, agriculture and sanitation. Fresh water supply is a big problem in most developing countries due to their population size. For example, some African countries, South America and Asia. In some countries in Africa, fresh water needs to be carried daily from sources more than two hours walking distance. Water supply is also an issue in urban areas as well. Many people cannot bathe od brush their teeth because of the status of water in their land. Water consumption and availability are not the only problems with water, but also pollution. The main contributors to water pollution are factories and open mines who throw away waste water which contain metals and toxic substance which cannot be made
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