Effects of Globalization on Developing Countries

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How globalization impacts the economies of developing countries Globalization seems to be synchronizing the trade of information, knowledge and skills across different national boundaries thus promoting international outreach to businesses where they might have a competitive advantage relatively. Has the saying goes, “every coin has two sides to it”, has a savior to the global market, there are definitely the down sides to it also especially to the yet-to- be- developed and developing nations who doesn’t have the wherewithal to take the bull by the horn. It could be assumed to mean a unionization of different market grounds. It is also perceived of globalization that it robs nations of their identity and sovereignty especially with the birth of World trade organizations. To Shenkar and Luo (2007:2), it’s the acceleration and extension of interdependence of economic and business activities across national boundaries.” ,’’a developing country is a nation with low levels of economic resources and/or low standard of living’’ (Osmond V., 2009). The advent of globalization was one with a genuine intent, but with the pace of change of organizational strategies and composition characteristic of the contemporary business paradigm, it would be so hard for the developing nations to catch up as their status as third world still hunts them. They face a stiff competition from products of the developed world so sternly that they become a dumping ground for most inferior products from places like china, Taiwan and other large production countries, which could be owed to their low infrastructural base and poor run of economy. It marked the genesis of free trade for developing countries and it is believed that it helps organization to increase their horizon in terms of value chain and also for them to enjoy more scale economies. It produces losers and winners, portraying

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