Effects of Fast Food

450 Words2 Pages
In the past people all around the world use to eat healthier, before Fast Food restaurants came along. But today however, many people especially children will eat a hamburger, or French fries before eating healthy meal. Some of us may not even think about the consequences it may bring if we chose to eat Fast Food every day. Many reasons have proven that fast food can affect our lives. Some would say it is because of weight gain, cost, or maybe even our overall health. Fast Food Restaurants causes many of us to gain weight if we do not know how to control our habit of eating it. Fast Food can be so tempting to have every day that you lose the desire to want to cook at home. Many people including myself love to have the taste of Big Mac, chicken sandwich, or even a large French fry instead of slaving over a hot stove. My weight gain has grown every day since I decided to eat out. Fast food has caused many women and men to suffer from obesity over the years and also to develop high cholesterol and fats to damage our health. According to research fast food is related to obesity because of its high percentage of fat. Obesity is when your body has more fat than it needs. This can give off a bad effect because your body will be heavier to carry around and also it makes you lazy and is not good for your health. People might think that obesity just makes you look bad on the outside but, they should also consider the inside. Fast food restaurants use a lot of bad materials in making their food. The oil used to make the food is used again for days and they also use vegetables that are not fresh. The way fast food restaurants try to hide their use of bad vegetables is by making their commercials using fresh vegetables to make people believe that their products are fresh. The next reason how fast food can affect our lives is through cost. Many of

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