The Marriage Law may have been the beginning of China’s rapid growth and not one knew it. Women in other countries had been granted right before China passed the Marriage. China had always been behind the powerful countries but this was a big step towards the race of being the dominant country of the world. This law may have seemed minor to other countries that had already granted women their rights but this could have been China’s first step in becoming a powerful country. If this little detail would have been taken more seriously China dominant future could have been predicted more quickly.
The people of China have been most influenced by Confucian ideas, and during the Han Dynasty Confucianism became part of the official education. Since Confucianism was being taught widespread it influenced the minds of the Chinese people enormously. Something the Confucian ideals taught was that women must hold a position that has less power than men, lowering the status of women. The only way a women could gain any type of respect was by birthing a son. It was taught that women should not have any type of rule and no one should care about a women’s ideas.
Unlike the Chinese, Japanese women were more receptive to the idea of emigration than the Chinese. This is the result of the just equality between men and women granted by Meiji government. One of the most
Buddhism originated in India, but after the fall of the Han Dynasty in 220 C.E., it gained many converts in China. The people responded rather positively to the spread of Buddhism in China, because after their kingdom fell into turmoil, it was also torn apart by power hungry warlords. They responded this way, because not only did China have to deal with nomadic invaders from the north, but they also had feudal warlords fighting over the land. Because of this, people needed something to have faith in, so they turned and found it in Buddhism. People also tried to turn away from all the sorrow, so they accepted this new foreign religion coming in, regardless of the political situation in China at the time.
China was completely contrary from Central Africa on economic, political, and cultural bases during the 1500-1800. From 1000-1500 China led the world in economic development and there after experiencing the trauma of rule by the Yuan Dynasty, China adopted policies that favoured Chinese political and cultural tradition. On the other hand, the kingdoms of central Africa had initiated commercial relations with Portuguese merchants and diplomatic relations with Portuguese monarchy. Portuguese traded for slaves and slave trade undetermined the authority of the King. The Kings were converts of Christianity just to establish closer relations with Portuguese whereas Chinese has great problems with the exclusivity of Christianity but the Jesuits were respectful of Chinese culture and won a few converts.
Some of them made people obedient to the political views of the leaders, others denoted or elevated individuals depending on their gender and social status, and some just remained neutral. The Chinese political and social structure was mainly (but not completely) affected by the government rulers (due to non-religious belief systems like Legalism and Confucianism), since they had greater influence on the government than the religions, while in India, vice versa, the religions shaped the social and political order more than the ruling class (due to the absence of non-religious practices). The Mandate of Heaven, the reason of the major changes in the Chinese society, gave the godly right of ruling to the Emperor, similar to the Pharaohs of Egypt, which were considered and treated like gods. Along the Silk Roads (the longest and the most used trade route which connected multiple empires together through trade), ideas similar to that were spread and shared among the cultures resulting in the outcome that is seen today as
Confucianism is an influential philosophical and teaching system that originated in China. The influence of Confucianism, however, goes beyond China and reaches the border of many East Asian countries, namely Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Among all the characteristics of Confucianism, the fact that its influence can cast a shadow upon different countries and that we can still see the features of Confucianism in modern-day society, 2400 years after the death of Confucius, are the most impressive. This paper aims to elaborate more deeply about the regional impact of Confucianism as well as how it still plays a big role in modern Chinese society. Japan adopted Confucianism in the 6th century (Ping & Lili, 2010), and it has developed in Japan since then.
To better understand the relationship between these two countries, which continuous to puzzle, amaze, and confuse observers it is crucial that one first understand the basis for Chinese influence. China has not only become a very influential country not only in East Asia but in the world. A comprehensive understanding of the reasons behind its success will help analysts understand the roots and reasons behind its relations with North Korea and make it easy to predict the possibilities of their future association. The paper analyzes the development of the political relationship between the two countries from a historical comparative analysis, transitologist and political realist perspectives. The paper concludes that North Korea is becoming increasing dependent on china while china attempts to distance itself and endeavors to build closer relationships with South Korea.
Not only did the westerners not understand it but also the Chinese communist wanted to overthrow it. However, the fact proves they are wrong. Those countries, which follow Confucian though, have progressed a lot since the end of 20th century. China has also progressed extremely fast science the Chinese communist government restarted follow Confucian though. Many enterprises establish and operate their business very successful.
Before the 1800s, China and Japan were almost identical. They isolated themselves from other countries; but after their imperialisms in the late 1800s, the countries went on different paths. China remained traditional and denied modernization and suffered because of it, while Japan emulated the imperial powers and became an imperial