Effects of a Bad Companion

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Effects of a bad companion A man is known by his good behavior but he is also known by the company he keeps. If he is seen moving with well-behaved, courteous and intelligent people then he is supposed to be a man of good characteristic. Bad company is as much infectious and contagious as good company. It spreads like wild fire. It does no good to anybody. The most effective victims of bad companies are the students of schools and colleges. They are more prone to falling prey to bad company than adults. Because adults are more conversant with the bitter consequences of a bad company by virtue of mature age and rich experience of life. These young people doesn’t know the influences about having a bad company. So they are easily motivated by them to do something unusual. Evil persons paint a colorfully rosy picture of life into their mind. They take them to easy and short-cuts of earning their livelihood. The resultant effect is that they are initiated into a world of crime, exploitation, intimidation, robbery and other evils. These young people are those who always ignore their timing advice of parents, teachers and elders. They are to busy to overjoyed the delusion of their evil friends. So they failed to realize the act of a evil friend. They mock their well wisher and ignore true friendship. The field of vice-dens becomes larger day by day. The unity boy becomes a truant and misses his school or colleges to spend his precious time in a gallery of a cinema hall or to take drugs with his newly acquired friends in a lonely, scheduled place. He becomes liquor addict. As a result he lost his

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