Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring in the Classroom

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Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring in the Classroom. Wallace L. Crews Jr. Troy University Abstract Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring in the Classroom. Hypothesis Directional Hypothesis: When teachers compare students current and previous test scores, students with disabilities will show greater academic gains in classrooms where peer tutoring is used consistently and correctly. Consider this directional hypothesis: Students with disabilities will show greater gains in test scores when enrolled in classrooms where peer tutoring is used consistently and correctly. (Adjust null accordingly) Then, in your methods section you can indicate that you used previous test scores (before peer tutoring) to compare with current (after peer tutoring) test scores. Null Hypothesis: When teachers compare students current and previous test scores, students with disabilities will show no change in their academic gains in classrooms where peer tutoring is used consistently and correctly. Definitions: peer tutoring, peer learning, cooperative learning, CWPT(class wide peer tutoring). Review of the Literature Student achievement has come to the forefront of the public eye in recent years. This increased focus is due in large part to the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act. The educational community at large is now seeking better ways and research based programs designed to enhance student academic achievement across all content areas. School systems, in an attempt to increase student test scores on standardized tests, have recently revamped their approach to classroom teaching in order to incorporate learning focused strategies. Teachers have also endured curriculum changes that are also focused on student achievement. These strategies are designed to change the structure of all classrooms. Classrooms are now more reflective of student centered teaching models

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